Are you a stainless steel welder who can deliver high-quality work? Then you might be the one we're looking for for a project in Kolding.
Are you a stainless steel welder who can deliver high-quality work? Then you might be the one we're looking for for a project in Kolding.
For our partner in Kolding, we are seeking skilled welders for a project lasting approximately 3 months.
Professional competencies:
You can expect:
Fill out the application form and attach your CV via the "apply for the position" button below. We will continuously call for interviews as the position needs to be filled as soon as possible. Due to the General Data Protection Regulation, we do not accept applications and CVs by email. If you have questions about the job, please contact Cornel Vasile at tel + 45 30 85 13 10 or Rasmus Sørensen at tel. +45 24 24 99 75.
JKS Tech&Metal er specialister i rekruttering af faglært arbejdskraft til industrien. Det er alt, hvad vi gør. Det gør også, at du i Tech&Metal har en sparringspartner, der kender branchen, hverdagene, kravene og udfordringerne. og hvad der skal til for at styrke din verden, hvad enten du søger medarbejdere til virksomheden, eller den stilling, der er den rigtige for dig.
Sammen styrker vi dansk industri med faglært arbejdskraft.